There are many different interpretations on how the game of cornhole was started. Some believe that a German farmer perfected the game in the back of his barn after seeing some kids throwing rocks into a hole. Other believe that an Irish farmer invented the game to pass the time with his friends.
What we do know is that the first documented version of cornhole popped up in Ohio. It became a popular following and traveled accross the state to many different tailgating parties, getting picked up by travelers from other states. Now this game is popular across the world and picking up rapidly with all age groups.
Quick reference
Ace or cow pie
- A cornhole bag lands on the board, which is worth one point.
- A bag that lands past the cornhole but remains on the board
creating a backboard for a slider to knock into without going off the
- An ace that lands in front of the hole, essentially blocking the hole
from sliders.
Cornhole or Drāno
- A bag falls in the hole, which is worth three points.
Dirty bag
- A cornhole bag that is on the ground or is hanging off the board
touching the ground.
Gusher or double deuce
- Four cornholes by a single player in a single round.
- An ace on the lip of the hole ready to drop.
History of Cornhole
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